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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Blogging is funny.  It's like trying to develop a new set of muscles.  Or maybe it's trying to develop muscles that you have not been fully using for a long time.

Think about it,  when were are in school half the time we are writing and reading and working on grammar and grand pa (you can giggle).  But once you get out of a school environment, for the most part those things just sit in the back of your head rarely used and then only for special occasions.

So I like to think of the first few blogging sessions as more of stretching exercises.  Warming up those old muscles and trying to work on their flexibility. From there you go into some light work and before you know it, you're ready to do some power lifting and/or some marathons.

Please bare with me while I stretch and get back into the routine over the next few weeks.  I have some more serious blogs ahead but don't want to go diving into the oceans of intellect before I've made sure that i remember how to doggie paddle.


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