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Thursday, June 23, 2011

My burn in 2010 (reposting from another blog)

What can I say about the Burn? There are a million stories that I was at least a twinkle in but i'm not sure where to start. Let's start with a list.

Things I Learned at Burning Man:

1: Never assume you know what's coming.

2: The universe has a way of tossing something at you weather you are paying attention or not.

3: Water is Life. It's easy to forget how precious it is until you are in a place where you have to think about it.

4: Trash is trash.

5: Many hands sometimes just make more work for a few hands.

6: No matter how many great people are around it's still only about 5% who do most of the real work.

7: Art is subjective, so are style, fashion, pain and good looks.

8: Sometimes you just have to relax and watch the show to really get a true picture.

9: No matter how much you may like someone they may still be an ass.

10: If someone offers you a gift, it is ok to say no thank you.

11: You can re-gift a gift.

12: Sleep is good for you.

13: Sometimes you just have to let something go, no matter how much you may want it.

14: Any lesson worth learning is worth learning again.

15: We all grow at different rates, in different ways and different directions.

16: Life is meant to be lived not to be watched on TV.

17: Carry your own TP and then you are rarely surprised.

18: There are few greater feelings then knowing you just made it happen for someone.

19: Smile.

20: 20 is never enough but sometimes has to do.

My burn was amazing. I can honestly say it is the best one I have had yet. The art was spectacular the people were warm and friendly, the weather was mostly amazing, and the air was full of excitement. Sure there were a few annoyances but I wouldn't change a single thing. If you were there then thank you for being a part of that. If you were not there then hopefully one day you will be. I danced, biked, ran, walked, drank, kissed, hugged, watched, caroused, comforted, admired, loved, lusted, laughed, cried, and so much more.

Maybe one day I'll tell more but for now, have a great day.


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